May 13, 2008

episode 4.199: It all happened so fast

Sitting in the Full Sail Real World Education Orientation Seminar, i was being bombarded with the ideal that my career should start right then and there.  the first thing that came to my mind at that exact point in time?  "I need a fuckin website."  now, i'm not quite sure as to why that was the primary action i felt needed to be taken when i was told to begin my career, but it was, and now 2 weeks later i have a website.  don't believe me?

(make sure to open in a new tab/window by right clicking)

whoa.  i don't know how it gave me a hosting source, i downloaded their "award winning site builder" and after completely revamping what they gave me with excessive amounts of green rectangles, i came up with the above site.  at first, i was a little daunted and didn't believe my design capabilities would amount to anything worthwhile, but i have to say, not TOO shabby, eh? OH! and make sure you click on the theatre pictures in the Gallery page...awesome, eh?  what i had to start with was a lot of those green blocks you see on the right side of the page.  it was also white.  i had to photoshop some of the green to have a black background. not to mention the super sweet logo that i created from scratch...the entire site was about a 3 day process.  

now i have no idea what to do.  obviously update it with all my new projects.  but still, i'm a little scared about making it worldwide.  i mean, it is worldwide now, but it would be hard to find by just surfing around.  right now you can't even find it by searching for my name in has to be entered into the top address bar...or clicked on in a link.  

you all should tell me what you think.  is it a little much? is it totally bitchin?  would YOU use it professionally?  yikes.

the best part? now when people are joking around and being all: "hey, lets play the game!!" then they'll do mine and BAM...its me.  Game over.  I win.

anyways..tell me what you think. ciao.

EDIT: and one other thing about going worldwide.  those theatre pictures i used i simply saved to my desktop from the website.  they were all copyrighted.  does that mean i need to buy all those prints before i can legally post them on my site? or do i just email rodney franz/rick donhauser and ask if it's alright? gah. 


kelsey rae said...

totally bitchin. my vote is cast.

Anonymous said...

I'm such a fan...
two things on your website: canyou make a direct link to your email address at fullsail? and where is the other film on how to succeed at college? it is missing.
My Badasses:
Robert deNiro, Cape Fear
Al Pacino
Ed Norton, Fight Club
Bruce Willis, Die Hard
Gerard Butler
Russell Crow
Denzel Washington
the Lt. from Band of Brothers
Uncle Buck

Annie said...

its pretty great- make sure all your sentence structures are correct! :) this is, after all, for the whole wide world to scrutinize- but i thought that it would be most appropriate if your first scrutiny came from your sister.

you should have links to all your works and you should do the same slide show you have set up on your blog.
But Good job!- pretty impressive creation from sqaure boxes. way to think out of the the nine dots (!!)