May 9, 2008

episode 4.105: Aryan, Anyone?

I've been on my Macbook for about 5 hours now, and my battery is in the red. I check the life, and i've got about 1:01 remaining....on my PC Laptop, a red battery meant you had about 30 seconds to save everything and find a power source wonder people with Macbooks are so laid back. I'm starting to get a little spoiled myself. New phone, new laptop...both of which have amazing battery lives. My old laptop may have well as been a desktop, and my cellphone a land line. This is the life.

Ready for awesome? Oh yeah:

mother. get these pictures...PLEASE. Don't delay, Donhauser today!

Plus, finished my second day of class today. We read the short story (5 pages) that inspired 2001: A Space Odyssey (2 hours and 45 Minutes). So, thinking I'd need to be ready for class, I watched 2001, only to realize in my shower BEFORE class that we would most likely watch it IN class, seeing as how they're 4 hours long, what the hell else are we going to do? Great.

I'm assuming most of you know how quick paced and easy to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey is. I distinctly remember leaving the room and coming back to find i was looking at the same angle as before. Thinking this was a form of poetic editing and i missed a bunch in between, i reversed the dvd playback to see what i missed. After pushing the reverse button, i thought I had accidently pushed the pause button. So i pushed the play button to resume the film and nothing happened. I fast forwarded to 32x the original speed to find that the frame lasted for another 6 seconds. 32 x 6 seconds= A FUCKING LONG SHOT OF ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If i wanted to watch a photography sideshow, i'd open up my Pictures Folder of Milo and let my Photoviewer do its thing.

So, of course. We watch it in class...fortunately she fast forwarded through a lot of it, but it still felt like an eternity. I actually thought we should use her fancy dvd player and play the whole thing at 128x and have a great time tripping, but i think she's tried it before and probably got in a lot of trouble for melting her students minds.

The cool thing about the movie is that it's the source of a lot of parodying. It started up and I was all: Oh, hey its that funny extremely over dramatic music that that they always use in space movies....OH MY GOD! This is the movie they're making fun of! Or wait, is it making fun of itself? Whats going on here? Should I be taking this seriously? I read later that most of the films audiences had no idea what this movie was about and found the opening "Dawn of Man" sequence hilarious. I didn't laugh at that part, actually. I just got real quiet and attempted not to be deeply disturbed. Then the sequence with the monkey staring at a bone to the funny overdramatic music started up and i could relax. 6 hours later, HAL 9000 appeared. 12 years after that, he was shut down. I'm now 31 years old, equipped with a great conversation starter:

31 Year-old Steve Pappin: "I was actually 19 yesterday."
My Prospective Friend: "Oh, yeah. Stanley Kubrick movie?"
31 Year-old Steve Pappin: "Damn that Kubrick, stealing my youth."
My Now Distant Acquaintance: "We're still not friends."
31 Year-old Steve Pappin: "I figured."

Well, so much for THAT idea.

Note to humanity: If they ever release a Stanley Kubrick Directors Cut of something, run like the very whips of your masters are behind you. (Whoever can name that reference gets a candy bar and online bragging rights)

So, that was my second day of class. I also noticed at break, my class has officially broken into 3 factions:

  1. The Smoker Kids Who Seem To Be Kinda Douchebags
  2. The International Kids Including a Jamaican, Japanese, and Arkansan
  3. Me
I seriously have no clue how it happened. I paid so much attention on not letting that kind of thing happen. I took a quick phone call, came back and half my class was on one side of the Student Patio, the other on the Other Side of the Student Patio. With the only extra chair being at the International Kids sector, and they were using it as a foot rest...There's no way i'm gonna be that kid who asks if they can sit in the footrest chair. I have my dignity. So, I wandered the patio awkwardly, trying to look like i had an agenda, then promptly went back inside and wandered the halls by myself. I swear, the world auto-shuns me. Oh well. I have no doubts that i'll be able to work myself into a social group here soon enough. If not, it will be all the easier delegating bitch jobs to them as their superior.

Question: Who is the greatest Sci-Fi character ever created?


Anonymous said...

Ben Hur

Anonymous said...

Basically, up to this point you have been living in a world of open minded beings, now you are realizing the outside world is mostly made up of Hosbon's.
Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

much to the chagrin of Yorrrr Faaaather, I have to say the terminator is the best sci fi character I have had the pleasure to experience. Oh sure, I like Wolverine, and even IronMan is tintillating, but the Terminator...that was an awesome concept brought to life with special fx that rocked the world of sci fi..
On another note, you come from a family of loners, self sustainers...if you break the bonds of that legacy you will indeed be a hero in your own right! AutoShunners Unite!!!

ColonelKillDie said...

question: in what way, shape or form is Ben Hur a science fiction character? did i miss something? is he actually from space? Because if that is the case, then i have some Ben Hur to be watching.

kelsey rae said...

Is anyone going to call the lord of the rings reference?

i think two days is a little too soon to be calling shuns. wait until you get group projects and you are working head to head with people, they'll love you just for your mind.

Anonymous said...

Ben Hur is sci/fi because the highest form of science is the science of mind or metaphysics and that show was definitly about the relations of God and man, the fi side is Ben Hur, he was not a real person. Now if you have ever seen the movie you will remember he was a wealthy Jew in occupied Roman Empire who after a small misinterpretation of a falling tile was marched across a sun blistered desert in chains to a slave ship. Here he crossed paths with Jesus (definitly from outer space) who gave him a drink of cool clear water after he had fallen to the ground in despair. The Roman guard charged at them on his war horse yelling "No water for you", Jesus turned and faced the raging guard with compassion and melted the man's fury instantly, Ben's self absorbed anguish faded as well and that experience profoundly changed his whole outlook. To make a long story short, Ben saved the Roman commander of the War Fleet he was paddling for, ended up in Rome, learned the trade of chariot racing, won the great race earned his freedom and went back to Israel to save his imprisoned Mom and sister. The only way to acquire the location of his family was to win a chariot race against the very man who had enslaved him, which he did, only to find out they were lepores. As he was going to retrieve them he found Jesus being led to his curusifiction and tired to give him a drink of cool clear water but was whipped by the guards. After that it is fuzzy what happened. But if that is not proof enough of his Sci/Fi greatness then there is no hope for you. besides I'm tired of typing.

ColonelKillDie said...

i get it.
Ben-Hur Science Fiction Comparison:
Compassion melts fury like alien ray guns melt brains. i hope that didn't take you very long to type.

oh, and kelsey is the proud owner of 7 online bragging tokens for getting the lord of the rings reference.

my sci fi character?
Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat

AKA The Fifth Element. She is the perfect being that, using the final element, Love, brings the other elements together to become the ultimate weapon against all things dark.

Plus, she's a babe.