May 2, 2008

episode 4.047: Go, Team, Go!

You know what I love most about Florida? EVERYTHING is available in Widescreen. None of this Midwestern crap where you can only get movies in Full Screen in most all major retailers. Its pretty hard to even find a Lord of the Rings movie in Iowa thats not full screen. Its sad. Just so sad. Its nice to feel like i'm in a community that actually respects cinema as an art and not necessarily something to go to Family Video and blow your entire welfare check on. Sick.

Here's something funny I found while trying to look for a good Widescreen Vs. FullScreen argument:

So thats FullScreen. Now if you watch this:

Thats widescreen. Notice anyone different? C3Po was completely cut out of the full screen version. In doing so, the entire feel of the scene is changed and its gone from the original idea of being rather comedic in C3p0 running from the back of the room to watch this bizarre circumstance, to being an awkward spiteful scene between han and leia that is taken too seriously. blech.

Alrighty then. As you've probably all forgotten, my birfday is in a comfortable 20 days, and boy have I found a deal for you!

Adobe® Creative Suite® 3 Design Premium

This software is a unified design environment that combines full new versions of Adobe Photoshop® CS3 extended, Illustrator® CS3, InDesign® CS3, Flash® CS3, Dreamwaver® CS3 and Acrobat® 8 Professional software, with new Version Cue® CS3, Adobe Bridge® CS3 and Adobe Stock Photos. Delivering the next level of integration in creative software, Adobe Creative Suite 3 enables you to realize your ideas anywhere — in print, on the Web, or on mobile devices.

Ok, so, if you all band together, it should be relatively easy to reach the standard retail price of $1,799, and i will have an amazing suite of software tools at my command for the ultimate creations.

But seriously, I need Adobe Photoshop...and I get the feeling if I were to go into class with my current copy, I wouldn't last too long. I can't believe we weren't given anything that can work with layers. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended costs $999 by itself, so if you think about it, the suite for $1,799 is a pretty damn good deal.

oh wait...there's something else here...hmm...

Student Price: $369.00 (tax included)

NOTE: The Adobe Creative Suite 3 Premium license CAN be used for commercial purposes by the students who purchase it.

You know that THAT means? Its not academic pricing, I can use this to make a profit. Its an actual student discount and I am literally saving over a thousand i feel good right now.

And just so you know...this is my first literary splooge on my Mac...which DOESN'T HAVE no fun pictures...see what this is doing to me??


kelsey rae said...

Geez man. This is almost ridiculous! You have joined a club of elite members who basically have the world at there finger tips. it's like that badge is a key to the knowledge of the universe. this much power in the wrong hands could cause serious problems. though i am glad to see one such as yourself readily taking advantage of the situation. you've got great skill kid, and with great skill comes great responsibility. with these powers you could fight crime, protect the innocent, work for world peace! but first..
haha sorry, lame. but seriously. damn. you've got the hook-up.

Anonymous said...

really!!! $369 for a $1,799 purchase??? I was thinking more along the lines of another plant for your apartment!Or, you should be getting a package from me just about now...Happy Birthday!! Poor Dad, no job right now. Maybe we can send you the money in reimbursement installments and you use your own money to get it now so you can get going on making your first million... mamagooch

Anonymous said...

I think if you can succeed in getting your mother to switch all her viewing entertainment to widescreen and be happy about it, you will have accomplished great things in the film industry. Have you seen Ironman? getting great reviews...MG

Anonymous said...

I learned something today and I tried it on the subject of wide screen vs full screen. You can go to Google Trends, put in two items and google will do a search on the two items, compare them in a graph as to how much internet useage there has been on the subjects...I did wide screen, full screen...alas, said there wasn't enough info on the two of them to plot a graph. Try something like Iron Man vs. Wolverine....don't know how useful it will be, but perhaps it can back up an argument someday against your brother or dad!