Jan 29, 2009

episode 4.528-WHOA HOLY GEEZ AAAH

i'm sitting, watching Band of Brothers on Blu-ray, procrastinating writing my three page paper on "who killed the electric car" splooging on here about practically nothing and eating ramen noodles....sheesh.  

i can update on the whole Pitch Day ordeal, though.  I suppose I'll start by saying that today I was attacked by some serious swollen glands in my throat, big pain in the butt, seeing as how I was slated to stand in front of a panel of people in a large room and pitch a script i had written.  after class got out at around noon, i shut myself in the apartment and began performing experiments on my body in order to rid myself of this hinderance.  We're talking everything, salt water gargling, hot lemon water drinking, salt baths, geranium on the throat and then finally, a big honkin 2 hour nap.  i woke up still unable to swallow comfortably, but the adrenaline started to flow as I thought about what was to come, and I forced myself to read my pitch aloud a few times.  to top it all off, it has been raining all day (even now) and I had no car to get me to the school.

i finally did arrive at school, dry, thanks to a friend, only to find that the "panel" i was pitching for was actually a group of about 20 people...awesome.  We did get to use the "cool room" though.  It's not actually called the cool room, but i can assume that whoever needs to refer to the room we were in would probably do so by calling it the "cool room."  it's the room that they feature in the tour, saying: "this is where film students will pitch their projects to their professors in a professional, industry setting." i'm in month nine and I hadn't seen the inside of that room until tonight, as a part of a completely un-full sail related project.  

however, no matter how cool this room is, it definitely adds to the horror of standing in front of a bunch of people, the majority of which i don't know, and spilling out details about something you created in your own time.  perhaps a room layout drawing is in order:

this is what the room actually looks like...

but of course, when you're in there to pitch something, it becomes a little more like this:

sooooo, yeah.  the good news is, i manned up and stared horror in the eye, and pitched my shit anyways.  i had planned it to sound like this:

            "What if all you needed to hatch the perfect revenge plot was an empty Chinese restaurant and some devious internet searches?  Sweet and Sour is an engrossing conversational thriller in the vein of Seven and Babel.  It follows the lunch meeting that Charles has set up in order to confess his affair with a shared lover to Dan, who may already have ulterior motives unknown to Charles.

            Problems occur when Dan begins to lose his composure as he undoubtedly realizes he has reached the point of no return.  We watch as his evil plan unfurls, and casual conversation from earlier in the meeting, such as the food they ordered, language barriers with the waitress, comments on the internet and even the clothes Dan wears all become a part of the grand scheme.  What was initially to be a controversial confession from Charles, turns out to be a lot more devastating that anyone could have imagined and Dan still manages to get away with it all.

            Audiences will enjoy this movie because of the clues throughout that allow them as the viewer to piece together what has happened or is happening as the characters themselves do in this show, don’t tell, story. They will especially love how at the end, they won’t be able to help themselves from watching it again in order to catch all the subtleties that is Dan’s agenda to exact his revenge."

which, i did manage to regurgitate something that sounded like that, but the firing range that came next was most unexpected.  I finished the above pitch with: any questions? and expecting things like: "how long?" "how many characters?" i ended up getting "what kind of toothpaste does the main character use?"

....well, not really, but they damn well might have if I hadn't answered all of their other questions first.

to be all anti climactic about it, they picked my script out of 3 to be the next short film to go into production for the International Film Society.  Which, to say the least, is completely awesome, because it's the first club at full sail that makes legitimate independent movies with full access to all of the university's equipment...BOOYAH.

I know what you're thinking, International Film Society, what the hell are doing in that club?  and trust me, bring up Iowa in any Floridian conversation, and you're not only international, but damn near extra terrestrial....

so with that said, Steve Pappin is rockin it down here at Full Sail, with 3 projects underway, a world premier tomorrow, a 4.0 GPA and 100% attendance...not to mention a TWO DAY WEEKEND!!! YAY-UH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your illustrations are priceless...