Jan 22, 2009

episode 4.522-You Saw It Here First

just a little taster for you guys.  the final edit will be done tomorrow, although it won't be very close to what we originally wanted. (silly requirements and whatnot)  i intend to release my Directors Cut for at least you all to see, but if my edit is chosen, i want to make sure it makes it on the DVDs that go to the actors, since the Directors Cut will feature them a lot better....can you believe I'm referring to my Directors Cut? and it's actually legitimate? pretty cool stuff.

well, that trailer was just something i threw together in about a hour, and hasn't really been touch other than putting the clips together, so it's pretty rough (in terms of color correction, audio, and even included scenes)  but hopefully it gets you excited for the world premiere next friday, like a trailer ought to...

secondly....nick rowland:

and i went on a photo adventure today, at Leu Gardens and shot a lot of subjects that would most likely lead to people questioning our sexuality...but hey, we got sweet cameras and we ain't afraid to use them:

and finally, a little something that should belong in outer space but, of course, is in florida....

oh, and:



kelsey rae said...


reni said...

great! i can't wait tilL friday!

reni said...

what kid of tree balls are those exactly?

ColonelKillDie said...

what kind? i'm glad you're so intrigued. be sure, they are definitely the fuzzy kind. peach fuzzy, since they clearly haven't dropped yet. does that answer your question? i hope so, because i don't know how much more i can inform...you might want to consider sending the picture to harvard, where they're sure to have a professor of Treeballogy that can help you.

Moohammed said...

I am wishing you best of luck, Mr Pappin. Is no be easy make movie but is better than army plus i is no want kill you.

Allah be praised, Moohammed.