Jan 15, 2009

episode 4.504-Can You Handle It?

Massive update from the land of warm weather and terrible traffic.  i got my ass kicked by Iowa's winter weather on the very last day i was there.  stupidly, i dressed for florida, not taking in account the amount of time i'd be spending walking from our motorized vehicle to overheated buildings.  twice at the coral ridge mall, then again at the airport.  i couldn't have spent more than five minutes outside, but then i had to cram myself into a sardine can of an airplane and travel for 4 hours.  in the last 30 minutes of my second flight, i thought i was going to lose my mind.  

the man next to me couldn't help but stare at the shivering rocking mass in the seat next to him, who was begging for the plane to land out loud.  of course, i didn't realize how vocal i was being until it was too late, and we shared an awkward moment when my glazed-over eyes met his increasingly worried ones.  it certainly didn't help that the vile 4 year old child behind me would kick the back of my seat just because her mom told her not to.  the mom eventually stopped trying, and the child continued to treat my seat like the pedals on her retarded little pink bike that i'm sure she has.  6 years later, when we finally landed, i made sure she got the worst stink eye ever bestowed upon something that wasn't a steaming pile of turds in an inconvenient location...like my pillow.  not that that has ever happened, but i couldn't think of a much worse place than a pillow for turds...except maybe in between my upper lip and gums...but of course i couldn't see that to give it the stink eye, so the pillow will have to do...

the next 4 doors are a blur, and just when i thought i was rid of my sillyness, i got attacked by a severe dose of lactic acid in my shoulders and arms. it was as though i was laying on a bed of syringes all injecting enough cement into my muscles to give the Empire States Building 6 basements...true story.

now, enough of my bitching.

of all the movies released around christmas that i need to see, i finally got out of the apartment to experience Stauffenbergs Series of Unfortunate Events Starring the Pirates of The Carribbean...er, I mean Valkyrie.  To start, i'd like to say: If I were to have made this movie, I don't think I'd been too upset with myself.

ok ok, so i'm sure there is plenty to criticize and whatnot, but overall, I think they did a good job in telling a story that no american really cares to hear.  Hitler and his SS were assholes, and not every german approved of all the dumb shit he was doing.  What I was impressed with is that most of this movie took place before the americans even invaded europe.

Anyway, Tom Cruise becomes a pirate, 

and teams up with Davey Jones,

who is already in cahoots with Hamlet,
and they have a big plan to make Mr. Gibbs

counselor of Germany...oh and that creepy dude is there too,

doing something, I can't quite recall what.  And of course Lord Cutler Beckett

is being a total douche, and would love nothing more than to cut out Adolf Hitlers heart and use it to command a fleet of panzers...er, well...sort of.  don't want to spoil too much for you. oh, and this guy is there too:

i won't tell you how he fits into the whole mess, because the curiosity has to be killing you, and i enjoy that.  so, to recap:

Tom Cruise+Eye Patch+Pirates of the Caribbean-Johnny Depp+Nazis^2  
                                                  Adolf Hitler


any questions?  pop quiz later.

subject change.  here are some pictures i took with my new camera:

spread them around.  send to family, friends, the president elect, WHOEVER.

that brings me to my next topic...4 MORE DAYS!!!!

Good God, how immensely exciting.  News flash: its okay to be cautiously proud of our country again!!! YAY-UH.  I don't want to say too much, because politics ain't my thang, but this is bitchin.

in terms of school, i'm editing the footage for INT. SOUNDSTAGE as we speak, and a final edit should be completed very soon.  The world premiere will be on the 31st of this month, on the 50 square foot jumbotron on Full Sail campus.  pretty exciting stuff.  MEANWHILE, i'm beginning pre-production on a documentary to be shot February 8th on a Puja being performed by some Theravada Bhuddist Monks in Kissimmee, Florida...it is at this ceremony that the monks receive their 8 precepts (which is more dedicated than the standard 5)...so that'll be cool.


Anonymous said...

fantastic pictures. you really shot that of the moon? great one of the kitties and of Little Dude.Are you still enjoying the camera and have found new ways of using it?

ColonelKillDie said...

i did shoot that of the moon, and then it's zoomed in to get that size. the amazing thing is that the detail is still there. that was the biggest and brightest moon of the year, seeing as how it was the closest to the earth. cool, eh? learn something every day when you read MY literary splooge.

i've been trying more and more night shots, but they ahven't been coming out, since everything MOVES so damn much. the shot of the moon is actually not really a night shot...it was so bright, i had my ISO at 100 and my shutter speed at 1/250, so yeah. but i took some shots of the stars the other night, and they were both blurry at 30 second exposures...i was all: "what the hickack?" so i put them on my computer to get a closer look, and with the same tripod setup, same angle, no more than a minute apart from each other, the stars had moved almost a quarter of an inch in the sky..its amazing. i could flip back and forth between the two and literally watch the world revolve...cool stuff...very cool stuff.