Apr 27, 2009

episode 5.102: Thing of Beauty

yup...i made that.  it's too bad i wouldn't ever be a cook, because i'd be exceptional at it.  you know what it is? attention to detail.  and perhaps a slight amount of starvation.  check it:

Single Bubba Patty Cheeseburger with Lettuce and Ketchup.   i don't know if i've ever tasted one so good.  i fried those fries too...fried them to perfection.  Golden and Crispy, with the soft center.

Perhaps this meal is so tastey simply because of the battle that ensued over the stove for a good 20 minutes.  Hot vegetable oil hurts.  I think the dudes of medieval times had it right when they'd pour boiling oil on their enemies below, i mean DAMN.  I had to pull down my sleeves and wrap my hand in a dish towel in order to get in there and flip the sizzlin' potatoes so that they don't burn.  It took dedication, and an average to moderate pain tolerance.

Another reason why this meal is so damn tastey may be because it's a form of procrastination.  I'm totally avoiding doing the school work required in order to create the final project due friday, as well as putting together a portfolio for 16 mm positions... i've found that everything involving the final project has fallen on my shoulders, and if I don't do it, it probably won't get done...sooo.  Whatevs

see this:

seriously.  it makes you wanna like Jean Claude real bad, but then you realize it could be that this is the first time in his life he's actually acted.  still, it opened my eyes.  work is work. money is money.  sure, jean got super egotistic and drug ridden about it all, but he seems rather regretful about it all.  it's a hard life, no doubt.  my favorite scene is in the courtroom with his daughter.  (one of my favorite scenes, my ACTUAL favorite scene is too much of a spoiler to mention here.)  watch.  I thought it was phenomenal, but i may have just been in the right mood. 

I hold to it: A Florida Dog is a Happy Dog-

this one happens to be quite a bit of a shithead though.  He's a joy to have around and I absolutely love him, but what really irks me about this dude is that he is so intelligent, all the bad things he does aren't because he's just a dumb dog that doesn't know any better, but simply because he' s a shithead.  He does things he knows are bad, and then when it's time for punishment, he'll avoid you as much as possible, and sometimes straight up ignore your commands.  If he were human, he'd have the personality of a two faced juvenile delinquent.  Joaquin Pheonix from Parenthood comes to mind...and i hated that kid in that movie. Oh well, Kunikos constant love and genuine wanting to be hanging out with you makes all that stuff disappear after a while, and you forgive him until the point you leave the house for 2 minutes, and he's already either ripped apart the trash, gotten on your bed or barked at the neighbors...

as i'm writing this he goes and barks at someone passing by, then when I call his name, he simply turns his head and looks at me, but continues to bark out of spite...what a turd.

Florida Dog on a Rainy Day-

Sweet&Sour is pretty much out of my life now...and I find it hard to care.  I learned a lot, and after a bit of reflection and self-hatred, i've come out a better filmmaker I believe.  More goal oriented than before, I plan on developing a small faction of IFS that is more of a Short Film bootcamp with an intensive screening process that won't allow poser wannabes anywhere near the set.  I'm tired of half asses.  Can't say much on here, as it is a public blog, and anything you post on the internet can come back and bite you hard on the ass...

1 comment:

closet competent said...

I wish there were a way to "weed out the tards" on a daily basis, on roads in the line at the store, etc. If you have a plan for doing it in a closed environment I would strongly urge the move to exclusivity. Losers need not apply.