Apr 5, 2009

episode 4.601: I'm old news

I understand.  Everyone is slowly losing interest in my school career.  Just last week I was deemed Show-Runner for the 30 minute live broadcast we have to create for HD Productions.  I also came up with the show idea and will write a good majority of it...which is what i'm in the middle of right now.  Show-Runner is also seen as Executive Producer, and if you were to put a Show-Runner in the Film world, you would be the Director.  I told my sister, Reni about this, and she commented: "You're always the leader," then she went on to say something about how it's nothing new and you could tell in her voice that there clearly isn't much flair to my life.  I've been forsaken for being good at what i do...reni will surely comment in her defense. :D

We finally casted last night for Sweet&Sour, and now I have two good actors to work with for the rest of the week, and then shoot this bad boy on Thursday and Friday...then, it's SPRING BREAK!! Which I'll have a total of 75 dollars the entire week, since the school decided it fitting to give us our living expenses check AFTER spring break.  A smart move in some cases, but overall an extremely cruel move.  Should be the most exciting spring break ever...

Anyway, I got my actor from Int. Soundstage back for Sweet&Sour, which is fantastic.  He's very good.  It was also nice to see his updated resume with "INT.SOUNDSTAGE" and my name listed as Director...booyah.  He'll be playing the part of Charles...which I believe to be the harder part, with less lines...hopefully he understands that.   The other guy fits the part of Dan well, and should have a lot of fun.  Now comes the part I've been waiting for, and I actually get to start doing my job, without having to "rotate" positions or some other ridiculous school instated production rule...sheesh.  Here's hoping our location and production design all come together nicely...not to mention our lighting...oi vey...(kelsey once got on my case for saying that because I'm not jewish...a little bit later she left the apartment and walked across the welcome mat that says: "FO SHIZZLE, WELCOME TO OUR HIZZLE")

and thats all i have to say bout that...


kelsey rae said...

My ma almost peed herself with that last comment... I cried a bit. True story.

tommie 2x4 said...

You put a little money away for a payless day, you will learn that secret in time. How is car hunting, there are about a million Mazda miata's down there...I'm coming down. It's Pizza time

jspappin said...

never old news...just every time I call, "hey ma, i'm in a meeting." like that baby in those etrade ads..."can i hit ya back?" Coooolll. I didn't know you were what's it called? shop manager? shoe salesman? wait a minute..I'll check..oops can't go back without losing my witty repartee..showmeister? anyway, I am pleased you continue to do so well, really...and if Reni didn't respond adequately, well....she was tired after a day of running after Little Dude.

Anonymous said...

perhaps you can use your "Fo Shizzle" as your personal bathmat??? I thought it was endearing but then I am hopelessly naive as to the repercussions of such a statement down in your territory!

bigthom said...

who's doing the music for your film? have you contacted Chris or Kris?
it needs to be perfect....but then you know that!