Mar 10, 2009

episode 5.012- 'Ey Blinkin'!

name that 16th president!

i did that.  in make-up today. we were supposed to do historical make-up.  don't look at it too long because he becomes amish very quickly.  i'm only impressed because i couldn't know the difference between an eyeliner pencil...and one of those other pencils we use...last week i turned nick into a bald egyptian with a hair-turd on his head (pictures soon I hope), so i'd say this is an advancement...


Anonymous said...

I have tried, but simply cannot put you in the seat of a makeup artist! Guess this is one area you will have to defer to someone else on! Not that there's anything wrong with it!!! (or with Abe Lincoln...Nick makes a respectable one...Ma

ColonelKillDie said...

hey, i'm not too shabby at the whole make up partner complains a lot, so i'm always rushed..but i can whip up some seriously cool stuff!

reni said...

this is great mitam!!