Sep 11, 2007

episode 3.998- Swoosh, Swish, And A Little Bloop

my hp crashes. i succumb to subtle "i told you so" remarks from my brother. (who has a DELL, i mean, what the hell? when did DELL become something to be proud of?) anyways, to fix the problem, i installed my free copy of windows vista that came with my purchase of my computer. there was actually a huge long process i had to go through to get this copy. but when i realized i didn't REALLY want Vista anymore, i stopped doing the process at some critical steps, such as a receipt and proof of purchase. however, they sent me my free vista anyways. sort of a: "PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE! TAKE OUR PRODUCT AND USE IT DAMMIT! PPLLLLEAAASE!"

that scared me. but i had no other choice. i installed it and my computer is now back up and running, purged of its former self, now known as the MILLENIUMFALCON rather than simply, FALCON. After turning off all the crap that tries to start up when i log on, i seem to have acquired an efficient machine again, with little added fancy smancy stuff, like a swoosh when you close or minimize a box:

swooshing in progress
(took serious timing skill with the print screen button and a mouse click)

a swishing sort of thing that lets me preview my windows from the taskbar (much like MAC OS X):

and the coolest most pointless gadget? when i click, "switch between windows", i get a little something that looks like this:
click for larger version

thats cool and all..just can't imagine the wasted processing power. i have a little gadget that shows me how much i'm using (for both cores, no less) which is handy. and the bloop comes from my login. instead of the usual windows start up, it does some thing that sounds like zelda, so i'm cool with it. its all a mac wannabe sort of thing. nice to look at, but mostly unnecessary. the cool thing is that a lot of things are opaque..and i kind of dig opaque..i dunno why...

as of right now, i'm greatful for windows vista. it just better not stab me in the back.

its time to go to the barbeque. i'm going to drive Nikki's Toyota landcruiser, so i can play with the GPS system. Its quite amazing how pinpoint those damn things actually are. i always thought it was just a GENERAL area kind of thing...i was wrong. those of you not already creeped out by GPS, get creeped out. we're talking 100 percent accuracy in a consumer model, imagine what the government is capable of? muha.


kelsey rae said...

so glad you are up and running again... i've been missing these.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.