Sep 1, 2007

episode 3.877- Say Greenwalter Suburban Area 10 Times Fast

here's my latest green screen endeavor, for those of you keeping up with all the episodes...

of course, this will also be appearing in the latest Operation: KillDie Production, "The Fur Trader."

I don't really have much to say this perhaps an homage to milo? sounds great to me.

milo's first fight was with the burly cat from a few houses down. the outcome was miserable. he pooped himself and was indefinitely humiliated. now milo preys on the old and fat. he hasn't lost since.

lanky, yet muscular.

thats a cute kitty.

coming soon: the history and heritage behind the legendary Stanley. Stay tuned for more info:


kelsey rae said...

oh man... if milo only new you've leaked his secret he'd close his blog in a second and never show his face around these parts again... lets just hope he still cant read.


Anonymous said...

annie says gold chains,, slicked back dyed hair, and tanning cream...the type that will come off after a day or two.