Sep 6, 2007

episode 3.722-I Stand UN-Corrected

well, seeing as how my mom reads this blog, and doesn't quite understand the purpose of a full-fledged rant...she recommended i do a little research into the whole rebel flag thing, just to see if i am falsely accusing someone of being racist when they're actually supporting some other symbol. after some research, i have come to a new conclusion. Ahem: I'm still right, they're still all dickheads.

The display of the Confederate flag remains a highly controversial and emotional issue, generally because of disagreement over the nature of its symbolism. Opponents (me) of the Confederate flag see it as an overt symbol of racism, both for the history of racial slavery in the United States, and the establishment of Jim Crow laws by Southern states following the end of Reconstruction in late 1870s, enforcing racial segregation within state borders for nearly a century until the Civil Rights Movement.

Others (the dickheads) view the flag as a symbol of rebellion against the
federal government of the United States. While the Confederate flag is indeed used by some racist and White Supremacist groups (sometime known as the Ku Klux Klan), these are not the only ones to fly or support it. Many Southerners who (are still in the closet on the whole KKK thing) support the Confederate flag see it as a heritage and historical symbol, representing pride (for losing a stupid war) and rememberance in their ancestors (who were bigots).

give it up. the germans don't fly the Nazi flag in pride of their country or ancestors...UNLESS THEY'RE NAZIS. Therefore: Those who fly the rebel flag are BIGOTS.

ESPECIALLY ones who fly it in iowa, a state that banned slavery right off the bat during the Civil War. Iowans never supported the confederate flag, being absolutely no part of the iowa state history. Anyone in iowa who fly the rebel flag in their white trash truck windows should be captured, and fitted with an electric collar that transmits their entire life to a website entitled: "Idiots, Bigots, and the Reverse of Human Evolution: Track Them All Today" Then of course open poaching laws to wipe them off the face of this planet.

sorry mom. this was a negative post. i didn't mean much of it....but the poaching part is a real good consideration...i mean, no. baaad.


kelsey rae said...

wow, you've got some SPICE to you. mmm. i like that.
though i respect that your mother thought you should do research JUST IN CASE. i like that woman.
go iowa. see, we used to be cool. now all the fertilizer has gone to our heads.
but hey, you're cool. you've gone to my head. i like that.

Anonymous said...

flag worshipers of all creeds and geographical dispositions are dung eaters. Nationalism is a blight on human kind the end game of which can only be mutual destruction.