Jun 1, 2008

episode 4.184: I'm a Minority

so, i was watching some good Larry David, when a new episode starts with he and Richard Lewis chatting it up in a cell phone store.  Richard Lewis starts out by saying he's fallen madly in love with his "soul mate"  Larry gets excited and wants to know more.  

Richard Lewis- "There's only one downside, she's a CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST"
Larry David- "Oh dear"

I was floored.  To hear the words "christian scientist" come from the lips of Richard Lewis on a meglopopular tv show threw me for a loop.  They then went on to ask silly questions about the religion, like "I know she can't take [medicine] herself, but can she touch it? Can she give it to someone else?"

The rest of the show consists of moments where Larry David is subjected to Christian Science in prayer groups and such.  The girlfriend ends up getting poisoned by, who else? Larry.  He goes to the house to apologize and walks in on a bunch of people holding hands and praying the old fashioned way: on the knees with hands clasped staring to the heavens.  At this point, i'm thinking, "It's about damn time."

I finally get to be one of those people who are like: "but it's totally not like that, Larry David, you have it all wrong." Fortunately, I'm not the kind to send in a letter to the guy in hopes of defending my religion, seeing as how he probably gets everything else on the show wrong, but still!  Larry David trying to make fun of my religion! AWESOME!

I'm also proud to say I noticed how the actors playing Christian Scientist completely butchered the Lords prayer among other things.   Funny stuff.  It's almost like being black....

In other news, apparently every single kind of belt in the camry needs to be replaced as well as the transmission fluid...oh, and it's leaking something.  i'm not sure if they know what.  Otherwise, they said it's in great shape for how old it is.....

Question: Isn't someone supposed to be having a baby right now?


reni said...

no birthin' baby yet, but all this waiting around gave me the opportunity for this:

top 10 badasses

1. tom stall

2. bruce wayne/batman (batman begins)

3. senator laine hanson

4. queen elizabeth I

5. troy barlow

6. logan/wolverine in all three

7. james "sawyer" ford aka, "i'm just doing what i always do, freckles, survivin'"

8. mrs. jonathan brisby

9. legolas

10. mr. furious

Gary Baumgarten said...

Richard Lewis will be my guest on News Talk Online on Paltalk.com Tuesday June 17 at 5 PM New York time.

Go to my blog, www.garybaumgarten.com for the link to talk or listen to him.