Aug 29, 2007

episode 3.719-Aah! It's A Giant Kitty!

so. got the urge to make a i did. with the help of my mother and loving girlfriend:

boom baby. totally sexy and awesome, with lots of opportunities..if i had a bigger room and better lighting...hmmm.

during the day you can see the seams and such, but at night they disappear and it looks flawless. its set up pretty makeshift though.

the drawers alongside the ones seen here are pinning the 2x4 to the wall. with a desk chair pressing up against the drawers, seen here:

that old school printer? its only there to make the file cabinet beneath it heavy enough to keep the screen tight.

and thats the 2x4 to whichi've stapled the screen. it wraps once and remains propped up by the aforementioned old school printer weighted file cabinet. what results, with little to no work, is something like this:

Green Screen Test

oooh the possibilities. total cost: $29.92

oh, my mom deserves a lot of the credit, cause she did all of the sewing.


reni said...

when do we see the finished product? the movie i mean.

kelsey rae said...

i might not have ever mention this to you before, but your ideas totally kick my ass. i am ass-KICKED by your greenscreen... and your movie. movies. damn. you have more talent in your little pinky than i do in... mine. and all over me. ass-kicked i tell you.