Nov 11, 2008

episode 4.309-Where was I?

Ok, so that is two random comments on literary splooges from way back in the day.  For those of you that missed it:

I think they're trying to tell me something, I just...can't...quite...make it....out.
and then another today encouraging me to keep on keepin on !  Gotta love the internet.


"Hey Steve Pappin, what in the heck are you up to these days?"

Good question...


...just bein awesome.

Thats me operating a Chapman Crane.  The gloves are to prevent me from getting lead poisoning, as the giant 27 pound weights we use to counterbalance are pure lead.

Fun Fact:  Chapman Cranes are no longer in production, but are still in heavy use.  They have been constructed since the beginning of the film industry, and now there are enough Chapman Cranes on the planet to satisfy all requests.  The Chapman Crane I am operating in this picture is actually the same Chapman Crane that was used to shoot the Mickey Mouse Club back in the day.  Full Sail now has this crane on PERMANENT RENTAL, as there is no one who actually privately owns a Chapman Crane, only Chapman...funny, eh?

Its the little quirks of film industry like that that make it so absolutely fascinating to me.  Without leaving the country I'm learning an entirely different language that very little people are capable of speaking, and developing a vocabulary that would stunt even Ken Jennings...well maybe not Ken, but I LOVE IT.

But seriously...right now I'm in Digital Cinematography, where I'm in the middle of pre-production as the Director of a 8 minute short film I wrote called INT. SOUNDSTAGE.  We start shooting the second week of December and should be all finished up with production by christmas, then moving into Post Production come January.  Busy busy.

CURRENTLY, I am sitting in my living room with the balcony door thrown wide open, relaxing in my Wormtooth Nation T-shirt as the cool breeze seeps in...on November 11th....the current temperature is 70 degrees...i don't really know where i was going with that, but i'm pretty sure anyone more than 200 miles North of me is probably crying as they read this...

blah blah blah.

any questions??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats great, so what's attached to the business end of the crane, a two ton bologna? well I'd love to sit here and give you shit but I have to go to work where me and some real men will compare beards, biceps, and bulges.