Feb 28, 2005

Episode 2939: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

In response to Corey's post:

HE WAS FUCKIN GOOD! (I am currently having a discussion with Corey on this situation, so me going off on this would be kinda redundant, so I'll just leave it at that.) When you see the movie, THEN you come back to me and we'll have a discussion. I, meanwhile, also have a few things to watch...let me name a few:


Sooooo yeah. I've got a couple things that need watching. I can't believe I've been so disconnected from my roots. It must have been speech team. Maybe I'll just have an entire weekend dedicated to movies..and I'll tell people when I'm watching what, and they can show up accordingly. That would be glorious.

POP QUIZ: Who's a total babe?**

(**HINT its not Julia Roberts)

1 comment:

corey said...

alright, i'll get around to Ray sometime and can more accurately give my opinion, but not before i watch Catwoman a few more times.

And Million Dollar Baby was pretty bitchin'