Jan 24, 2005

Episode 721: So Lackluster

My life needs more of these:

And a couple of these

some of these...

these for sure

the occassional one of these:

and a WHOLE lot more of THESE:

yep...explosions. My life needs more of them. In order for me to be truly happy, i must have an occasional huge explosion. Thankfully, movies and the american government have managed to satisfy my urge for a big boom over the years. It's too bad there are so many laws against making your own big explosion, therefore, my life lacks what it really needs.

Not to forget my lack of a rebel star-fleet...let alone an x-wing. Space ships rule. I want a space ship...

damn all those bastards with space ships. I think i'd get an x-wing before i got anything else...or an Arwing from Starfox. Arwings can barrel-roll..and thats totally bitchin...but an x-wing has s-foils...and s-foils are totally bitchin. Thank god i'm too young to invest in the space ship market..cause i'd be fucked.

well..anyways...i was just looking at space ships and cool explosions..thought i might compile my findings and oogle over them. I'm off to blow something up, or play Star Wars: Rogue Squadron...either way my life isn't as cool as it should be...

~fuckin a

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