Jan 18, 2010

Episode 5.765- Finishing Touches

So, I've been visiting the dub stage to help with the soundtrack for
Box 304, and since I want to get back into splooging for my trip to
Belize, I thought I might post an update for all you dry mouths out
there... Plus, I'm doing all this from my iPhone, so it adds a certain
novelty to the whole process...don't hate my yuppie tendencies these

I of course asked how badly I could mess up the entire project by simply fiddling with whatever I could find, and they just sighed..

Pretty cool stuff. Finally I get to use something they actually showed us on the tour. Month 21 of 21...classy.

1 comment:

Jane said...

holy cow...month 21 of 21! Yeah, I remember how impressive those sound studios were and I'm thinking, my little boy will be operating in the big time! However, I would have expected more than 1 week on the boards! Oh well, I also remember you doing all kinds of sound stuff just on your old computer...getting close now!!!