Jul 27, 2008

episode 4.229-It's Official

so, my career as a filmmaker has officially started today:

falconfreddie says:
what kind of asswipe would make light of the men that gave their lives at normandy obviously not a son or daughter of a man who fught there

....does that make me "edgy"?  it totally does.  just wait until he sees Training For Glory.  I can see it now:

falconfreddie says:
what kind of jerkwad would think it's funny to play in the road with semis or throw bricks in a pool obviously not a member of my country club

hmm.  i don't consider my Egg Worldly War making "light" of the battles of Normandy.  It is certainly more of a personal tribute, as I spent hours of my study halls and free time reading up on the largest amphibian invasion in the history of war. oh well.  baby boomers...sheesh.  :)

saw my third wild gator today with kelsey.  he was eerily still in a big mess of moss, just chilling with some turtles.  pretty sweet.  leaving him was pretty hard, as I didn't want to turn my back to him for too long.  i saw lake placid....mofo ate a bear.

which reminds me!  i've decided the next meat i plan on eating is that of a bear!  BEAR MEAT!  There will be nothing more satisfying than eating something that would rather be eating you.  i've checked a number of websites, and while some will send you the meat, most just give you pointers on hunting it yourselves....apparently bears up in canada are in high numbers, so it's totally legit to eat them.  who's with me? bear meat for christmas? lets do this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, the ever critical, and sometimes over-sensitive public. I had an uncle die on Normandy and not once did I think this was a tad offensive to those who gave their lives or their relatives. Oh well...